Friday, 26 February 2016

You Are A Masterpiece..Value? Priceless

I was listening to a Wayne Dyer seminar and I was struck by the question "What would it be like to live your life as a masterpiece?".

Picasso immediately sprang into my mind.  In 2015 his painting 'Women of Algiers'  broke records for the most expensive artwork sold at auction, selling for a stunning one hundred and seventy nine million dollars ($179m) amid high demand from collectors.

Have you ever looked at a Picasso?  I'm sure the pundits will carry on at length about his brilliant use of layers of colour, the intricacy of his brush strokes and so on but to the uneducated eye a Picasso looks like the crayon drawings of a demented second grader.

I did a review of the most expensive art on earth and the familiar names showed up, Picasso, Van Gogh, Warhol et al.  Of the twenty most expensive pieces only one to me looked like an attractive demonstration of artistic talent, yet these paintings are solid investments to the people who are most adept at determining worth.

I saw a lesson in this.  So often we look at all our flaws, we can point out every brushstroke which went awry, we magnify every smudge and every shadow.  We fail to see that we are priceless just as we are.

Do you know that you are a masterpiece?

You Are The Breath Of God

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2 : 7

I love the imagery in this scripture.  Do you know that when you die your body weighs exactly what it did when you were alive?  That life energy that makes you You has no mass to it, it has no form, no substance, yet when that life force is gone it is starkly obvious.

We are not our physical forms.  We are not black or white, male or female.  We are not fat or slim, healthy or sick.  We are energy.  Can you find fault with the wind?  Can you criticize it "the wind is looking fat today".  Can you berate the wind and put it down and tell it that it is not good enough?

Yet you do all these things to yourself,  the very breath of God.

 You Are The Creation Of Perfect Love

"God created you in perfect love that is changeless and eternal" - Dr Wayne Dyer

A friend recently commented that she felt like a waste of life, simply using up other people's air.  I understand her pain, she struggles under the burden of chronic illness.  Another friend struggles with chronic depression, she sees herself as useless, worthless, a cruel cosmic mistake.

God makes no mistakes.  There are no wasted lives.  Each of us is a creation of perfect love and each one of us is perfectly loved. 

You Are Perfect Just As You Are

"I exist as I am, that is enough " - Walt Witman

I read recently the story of the broken water pot.  An elderly woman carried water from a stream in two water pots suspended on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck.  One pot was whole the other was broken.  Every day she would arrive home with one full pot and one half empty. Finally the woman was asked why she did not replace the broken pot.  The woman pointed out that she had planted seeds on the side of the road and the broken pot watered these seeds each day as she walked home.  From these seeds she was able to harvest beautiful flowers for her table.

Each of us has our divinely appointed role and many of us are playing our roles out even now without knowing it.  The next time you are tempted to see yourself as broken remember the broken water pot.   You are never without value because you impact the world around you by simply being and a loving master can use your imperfections to make a beautiful garden.

You Are More Than You Are

Dr Dyer references the story of Michelangelo's 'David'.  Michelangelo said that David always existed within the slab of marble, he just chipped away the excess to set David free.

Maybe you look at yourself right now and you see an unformed, undefined slab.  If you look closely you can see the beauty in the natural stone but for most the beauty becomes apparent only as the sculptor starts to chip away at it, bringing forth forms which our human minds can see and appreciate.

The David sculpture is particularly famous for the attention to detail which Michelangelo brought to his masterpiece.  I am struck by the exquisite skill with which he executed every hair, the textures of skin, even finger and toenails.  He is commended for his perfect mastery of human proportion and then tweaking reality to bring forth the image of a perfectly beautiful man.

God is the master sculptor and the hard knocks which we feel in our lives are simply strokes of the master's chisel.  The refining process can be painful, so much so that we sometimes cannot see beyond our pain.  

Perhaps it would help if we were to accept each time we feel the master's strokes that there is a David inside each one of us and all we go through now is simply the process of creation of a masterpiece.  God is simply chipping away the excess to set you free.

You Are Priceless

“You are uniquely and wonderfully made.  You are just right just as you are.  There is none greater or more worthy than you.  You are child of God and not only are you kings and queens  by inheritance,  you are specially gifted and talented”  – Embracing Prosperity By Changing Your Mind

What is the price of a human soul?  Who can put a value on who you are?  Is your value defined by your job, your house, your kids, your marriage?  Is your value defined by the opinions of others?  Do you need to achieve success, or wealth or any other earthly recognition to be valuable in your own mind? 

In my book Embracing Prosperity By Changing Your Life I speak about my own struggle to recognize my own worth in the face of a lifetime of negative conditioning combined with living with a debilitating illness.  But I am blessed with the innate knowledge that I was born special and there was nothing that I needed to do, to achieve or to be in order to deserve that.  I am special, I am worthy, I am blessed, I am valuable simply because I am.  That is grace,  and grace is available to every one of us.

Your worth has no price tag.  You are uniquely and wonderfully made and none is more worthy than you.  You are more valuable than any Picasso, because you are priceless.

Inspiration Link

* I am in no way affiliated with the sites that I link to here.  The messages presented are in alignment with the thoughts presented in this post and they have inspired me, I hope that they will inspire you too.

The Awakened Life - Dr Wayne Dyer 

How to get Unlimited Universal Energy, Love & Happiness - Dr Wayne Dyer

Author’s note

This post is inspired by Chapter One  of my book Embracing Prosperity By Changing Your Mind – Know Yourself.   I hope to persuade you that there is no circumstance in your life that can ever make you unworthy of the prosperity and  happiness that you desire.  You can claim your worth by simply changing your mind.   

It would be my pleasure to share a free gift with you, if you would like to receive an excerpt from my book just click here  and mention today's topic.

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I would also be delighted to hear your feedback so do not hesitate to leave a comment if you so desire and be sure to come back for more as I walk you through more of the lessons and exercises from my book.

I bless you, I bless your journey and I am so happy to be a part of it.  May this be the year that you begin truly appreciate your own worth.

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