Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

Change Your Mind...

Everybody's unhappy!

Have you ever been in a place where you just feel like your life isn't making much sense?  

Maybe you have always dreamed of the life you want but just can't seem to grab hold of it.  Maybe you've made all the right moves, got all the right stuff and somehow you're not feeling the satisfaction you desire.

Sandy always dreamed of being married, for as long as she can remember she dreamed of being swept off her feet by her handsome prince.  She saw the beautiful dress, the gorgeous flowers and all the pomp and pageantry of the perfect wedding, she saw her happily-ever-after.  Sandy met her prince, had her dream wedding, a beautiful home and two picture perfect children.  Sandy is miserable.. somehow the reality of marital bliss is just not what she imagined.

Perhaps your desire was the dream job, or the great car or perhaps even the yacht in the marina and you have them but you're still not happy.  Why?

Perhaps you never really were driven by the material things, you just want to love and be loved but your husband is cheating, your kids are brats, the folks in your church are just plain hypocrites and your friends don't support you the way they should.  Sometimes life really just sucks!

Welcome to the wonderful world of being human.  We've all been there.  The good news is you have the power to change your experience, you just have to change your mind.  My book Embracing Prosperity By Changing Your Mind walks you through the process of claiming the life you desire, by changing your mind.  The steps are actually quite simple.

Clean Up Your House

Simple truth - the ability to claim the life you desire lies within you.  The power is yours, it has always been.  Forget the people who have victimized, back-bitten and betrayed you.  Forget the people who stand in your way, knock you over and drag you down.  Forget them.  It's not about them, it's about you.  If you wish to change reality as you know it, you have to start by changing you.  To borrow from Iyanla Vanzant "It's time to put on your big girl drawers and do your work!".

Your work starts with facing yourself.  Who are you?  Why are you here?  What value do you add to the universe?  Do you even like yourself?  If you can answer those questions then you are already on the path to making the changes that you desire.

Face Your Pain

If you are unhappy with your life right now, you're in pain and your pain is not about whatever you are facing now, you think it is but it really is notYour current circumstance is just your wake up call.  That's all it is .

Sounds crazy doesn't it?  After all whatever is happening in your life right now is making you so miserable.  You think your life would be perfect if you could just get past this one thing that is happening right now.  Well, if you want to get past what's happening now you have to recognize that this thing that is in front of you now is tied to something that came before.  It's been here before, probably many times and it will be here again.. and again .. and again until you get smart, stop, find the root and heal it.

What is your pain?  How long have you been carrying it?  Where did it begin?  Can you face it?

Let Go Of Your Baggage

Staring your pain in the face, admitting what it is and what it does to you takes strength.  It takes even more strength to let go of it.  We all get a kick out of being martyrs.  We love to wallow in our pain.  We love to pick at it and relive it and dress it up and parade it for the world to see.

Some are more private, they keep their pain covered but in their most secret places they sneak in to worship at its feet laying down their life, their health, their success, their happiness before it, giving it power to destroy everything that they hold dear.

It's time to let it go.  

It’s time to forgive.  It's time to move forward and stop looking behind.  It's over and you're still standing, you’re past it, now you need to make it irrelevant.  When you learn to take the lessons from past pain and to let go of the misery of it, your current circumstances start to change.

Quit Complaining

Yes, I know life sucks, we've been over that.  Do you want to stay in that place?  If you're ready to leave that behind and step into something new the first thing you need to do is stop complaining about it.  Don't say it.  Not one word, ever again.

Cancer sucks and you've lost all your hair and chemo makes you feel like sh!@!  Yes, we get it.  We get heartache, we get pain, we get betrayal, we get financial hardship.  We get depression, we get hopelessness, we get ill health, we get accidents and tragedies.  We get that life comes with pain and heartbreak and unpredictable crap that just knocks you off your feet and leaves you feeling like you’ve been run over by a Mack truck.

Now if you're done wallowing quit griping and let's see what you can do about moving onward and upward.  You have a choice every day to suffer or to thrive no matter what is happening in your life.  Which path do you choose?

Build Your Strength

Sometimes you get so worn out by life that the idea of strength seems a long way away.  The good news is reinforcements are always waiting in the wings.

We live in a wonderfully supportive and loving universe and we are all connected to source energy which dwells within us, around us and between us.  So when you get to feeling incredibly alone, misunderstood, isolated and absolutely powerless you just have to reach within and connect to the source of unbounded strength, courage and grace.  It is within you, I promise.

There are also tangible things you can do to build your strength.  First and foremost you must control your thoughts.  Make it a daily practice to monitor what you take in, what you focus on and what you put out.

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil in your life or in the lives of others.  Be vigilant over the workings of your mind, choose to focus on the good, choose to shut down the negative chatter.  My book speaks to many techniques for literally rewiring your mind and transmuting your negative thought patterns into positives.

As a bodybuilder has to keep working out and challenging his body to grow bigger and stronger, so you must challenge your spirit with consistency and with confidence.  You may get knocked down a time or two but if you just keep getting up, you get up stronger every time.

Embrace Your Blessings

Every one of us is blessed to have at least one or two people in our lives who care about us.  It may be family, it may be friends, it might be a stranger, a teacher or the nice lady down the street.  Open your eyes to the people in your life who are just waiting to love you and to be loved by you, embrace them, you need them and they need you.

Get into the habit of counting your blessings.  Dig them up, lay them out and give thanks for them over and over.  An attitude of gratitude does a lot to heal a wounded spirit.

Claim Your Best Life

Know what you want.  Know that you are worth it and that you deserve every healthy desire of your heart.  Know that you have the strength within you to do what you need to do to become the person your heart knows you to be.

Do you have to leave a bad marriage? step into a new job? change how you allow the people around you to treat you?  Do you need the courage to start a business or go back to school or just step out of the shadows and say “Hello world, this is who I am.”

Know that you have what it takes.  Know that you are not alone.  Know that you can do it!  Now go claim your life.

“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” – Barack Obama

Author's Note

This post is the first in a series based on my book Embracing Prosperity By Changing Your Mind where I present a practical roadmap for claiming the life you desire by literally changing your mind.   In the book I share my own experiences and walk you through activities and exercises to help you through every phase of your journey to claim the life you desire.

Would you like to learn how to forgive?  How about finding yourself?  Want to learn how to embrace your blessings and to start creating more positive outcomes in your life?

It would be my pleasure to share a free gift with you, if you would like to receive an excerpt from my book just click here  and let me know which section above is most relevant to you.

If you liked this post I would be so appreciative if you would spread the word.  I would be so happy to email this and future posts directly to you, if you're interested please subscribe to my mailing list.

I would also be delighted to hear your feedback so do not hesitate to leave a comment if you so desire and be sure to come back for more as I walk you through some of the lessons and exercises from my book.

I bless you, I bless your journey and I am so happy to be a part of it.  May this be the year that you begin to claim the best that life has to offer.

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