onto others as you would have them do onto you" - the Golden Rule
You Are Energy
As children we are taught the law of Karma, "what you do comes
back to you". Well, I figured
that I would be set for life because I am a good person. I have always looked out for people, defended
the underdog, extended a helping hand. I
have always shared generously and really just want the best for everyone around
But somehow, for some reason that is not what life gave back to
me. People betrayed me, they let me
down, they left me hanging when I needed them most. I came to the realization that I was in some
way attracting these things to myself, I did not know how I was doing it but I
could see it clearly. The golden rule
did not seem to be working for me.
Psychology tells me that those who are victimized form deep patterns of programming in their mind which attracts more of the
same to themselves. So a child who is
abused often attracts abusive partners, one who was ill attracts further illness
and most who grow up in poverty remain poor for life. I looked around me and I look at my own life
and I could see the truth in this.
I prayed many times to God, ‘how can you allow this, surely this
cannot be fair?’ I set out to prove that I could live the life I desired,
not the life that was prescribed based on my past experience. I tried valiantly to live above my past and
somehow the life I worked so hard to build always seemed to fall apart.
Then I came across the concept of the Law Of Attraction, "like
attracts like". This
immediately made sense to me. The other
truth which immediately resonated with me is "we are energetic beings,
an extension of Source energy".
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the
ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a
living soul." - Genesis 2 : 7
My bible tells me that I am the very breath of God, that I am the
light of the world, that I am in God and
God in me. God promised to send His
spirit to dwell in me. God in me is
energy. I am energy.
I am not one to accept the mumbo jumbo spouted by every Tom, Dick and
Harry that passes by, nor am I content to absorb what I am spoonfed by any
particular religion, doctrine or creed. I
believe in God and I believe in the wisdom of God in me. I believe that I am guided to wisdom,
knowledge and truth. So even though I
approached some of these theories with a healthy dose of skepticism, certain
truths resonated with me.
I am energy.
I have always been a powerful energy, people respond when I walk into
a room. People become excited and
motivated and happy or they become disgruntled, dissatisfied, frustrated or
My energetic vibration became clear to me in my work life. I love my work, I love the people and have
such great concern for their well-being.
Yet people responded to me with intimidation, distrust and dislike. People turned on me, people betrayed me,
people rejected me. It was devastating
because I was doing everything I could to be good to people but I could see
clearly that they were not receiving what I was trying to give.
Then I realized. The energy
I project is not tied to my intention, to my goodwill or to my desire. My energy is tied to that which is strongest in
my deepest, darkest places. What was
strongest in me was pain, frustration, resentment, betrayal, fear, distrust and
despair. And the world responded in kind.
What You Give Out Comes Back To You
What you give out you will receive. What you give out you will
receive. What you give out you will
receive. Give love, give
compassion, give tolerance, give goodwill, give peace, give hope, give joy, give
forgiveness, give grace.
But giving does not come from action.
Deepak Chopra says “the most powerful forms of giving are
You give of your
energy. You give of your heart. You give of your spirit. And blessed God energy cannot flow from a
corrupted source. So in order to
give positive energy you must be feeling and experiencing positive energy within
Make a daily practice of releasing all that is negative within
yourself. Inherited fears and
insecurities, childhood wounds, collected scars.. let go of anger, let go of
fear, let go of resentment, let go of guilt, let go of shame, let of revenge,
let go of spite, let go of malice, let go of judgement, let go of criticism ..
let it go. Let it go. Forgive those who have hurt you, forgive
yourself, forgive the universe.
And having surrendered all the negative energy inside of you, open
yourself to receiving.. faith, hope, joy, peace, love. Hold those feelings in your heart and feel
them permeate every fibre of your being. Now you are ready to give.
You are energy. Your energy is
not what you want it to be, not even what you intend. Your energy is the balance of your deepest
thoughts, feelings, emotions and expectations. Your energy cannot be both positive and
negative, it is whichever is strongest within your heart, your spirit, your soul.
You can only give of what you have within you and as you give, you
will receive.
Life Teaches You Who You
My life has had its share of challenges, and it has taught me some
very important lessons:
I have learned that
I am God energy and I cannot be separated from the Source of all that is.
I went through a horrible period in my life where I felt I had lost
everything. All that was most precious
to me was taken from me and I felt absolute abandonment and separation from
For months I walked through my own
personal hell, lost and in despair, then
I woke up one day and realized that I had survived it. And that I had never been alone. Even when I was unable to feel God, to believe
in Him or to hold on to Him, I was never alone.
I could not be separated from God for God is the very breath of life
within me.
I have learned that we are all God energy in physical form and every
form is perfect.
Wouldn't it be lovely to see God only in all people? In the crack-head lying in his own filth on
the sidewalk, in the prostitute turning tricks, in the murderer in prison, in
your cheating husband or the crooked cop.. The Yogis say "Namaste"
which means "I bow to the God in you" or “the divine in me honors the divine in you”.
Seeing and honoring the God in the other person requires you to let go
of criticism, of judgement, of intolerance. It requires you to let go of your expectations of others and to stop
projecting your own fears and insecurities onto them.
I think we are trained to judge each other unfavorably. We do it automatically. Very young children do not do it, they love
and accept everyone unconditionally. But
then they get to school, they start learning the rules and our little angels
start to turn on each other viciously. You're fat, you're ugly, you're too small,
you're too stupid, you're black, you're yellow...on and on it goes.
Have you ever sat in church and watched a sister walk up to the altar
and this is what goes through your mind .."what is she thinking? Does she not see that that skirt is too
short? Is she trying to cause the pastor
to sin?". Admit it. You're in the house of God, tearing your
sister down. What you should be thinking
is that this is another blessed God spirit, just like yourself who is here
trying to connect to the source of all that is.
You should walk down to the altar, take your sister's hand and bless
But our halos are still at the shop, so we have to work at it. I recently started the process of noticing my
own thoughts as I am out and about in the world. I was shocked at the many critical thoughts
that stream through my mind. I am quick
to notice the tacky wig, the too heavy makeup, the too tight skirt or the too
short shorts. I don't miss the hanging
beer belly, the cruddy toenails, the dirty clothes or the tattered shoes. All so superficial. All so meaningless. All so mean.
So now when I notice a critical thought I stop, I focus on the person
and I find something about them that I can compliment. I compliment them and I bless them. I do this mostly in my mind but every
now and then I voice the compliment to
the person and I watch them light up with joy.
That makes me happy too.
I have learned that I am the creator of my reality.
I recently reconnected with my biological mother who walked out when I
was an infant. I had had a few
interactions with her in my life and she let me down every time. I didn't want much to do with her, could not
see how she could be of any value in my life.
She came back into my life at a time when I needed her desperately, she
was open, she was persistent she was genuinely trying. But I needed help. I needed real, physical, tangible help and
she was not offering.
Once again she disappointed me.
Once again I closed the door. But
I have grace working inside of me. I'm learning,
I'm growing, so I decided to accept her simply as she is, expecting nothing,
releasing the failures of the past and holding no pre-conditions for the
future. Funny enough, when I stopped
bitching about my circumstances and projecting negative energy all over her,
she stepped forward and offered the help that I needed with no prompting on my
I had created a different reality simply by changing the way I was
responding to her and to my circumstances.
That has played out over and over again in my experience as I walk this
new walk, my relationships are healing, people are extending loving energy
towards me and are giving rather than taking.
I am the same loving heart that I have always been but I am
different. I am breaking through the wall
of negative energy that had always surrounded my heart. I'm beginning to glow with the light of
divinity within me. And the world glows
with me.
God Wants Only The Best For You
"Do you understand how beloved you are? How blessed you are? How adored you are, and
what an integral part of the creative process you are?" - Abraham Hicks
Do you
understand who you are?
I have
always lived with tremendous duality within myself. My heritage from a dysfunctional childhood
was depression, resentment, mistrust and an angry spirit. But I have always known that I am a spirit of
joy. I am a spirit of wonder,
creativity, adventure, curiosity, laughter, love, compassion, grace...
Even as I
write the words joy wells up inside of me. I know who I am!
And I'm not
in any way special or blessed above anyone else.
We are all children of boundless compassion, benevolence and grace. We are all children of God. We are all born into a legacy of abundance, of joy, of blessing and of grace. Every single one of us. And we are all worthy.
"We are here to help you remember the powerful
nature that is you; and to assist you in returning to that confident, joyful,
always-looking-for-something-else-wonderful-to-turn-your-attention-to person
that is you" - Abraham
Hicks : Ask And It Shall Be Given
Author’s note
This post is inspired by
my upcoming book I Speak Prosperity. I hope that you will learn to accept yourself
as a blessed child of God and allow that energy to be your gift to the world.
If you liked this post I
would be so appreciative if you would spread the word and like my author page
on Facebook.
You may also follow me on Twitter
#ProsperityIsMind or check out my website www.prosperityismind.com
I bless you, I bless
your journey and I am so happy to be a part of it.
Inspiration Link
* I am in no way
affiliated with the sites that I link to here.
The messages presented are in alignment with the thoughts presented in
this post and they have inspired me, I hope that they will inspire you too.
My inspiration this week
comes from a plethora of books. As I write I am
· 7 Spiritual Laws of Success : Deepak Chopra
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