Friday, 30 September 2016

Living The FACEBOOK Life

“Life is wonderful, people are great, business is terrific!”

Wouldn’t it be lovely if we all lived the life that we portray on Facebook?  Ah the wonderful relationships, the wonderful toys, the adventures, the vacations, the celebrations...

Life on Facebook is one big party, it’s always good, always prosperous, always fulfilling in every way.

On Facebook we are all healthy and happy and we have the world at our feet.  On Facebook we’re always looking good, feeling good, having wonderful relationships and doing amazing things in our life.

On Facebook we’re strong and wise and supportive. We are wonderful friends, family, partners, workers and community members.  On Facebook we are caring and giving and righteous and good.

On Facebook everyone is living the good life.

Ah wouldn’t it be nice...

Create Your Story

“The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are, the second greatest is being happy with what you find”. – rishikajain

Living the Facebook life starts with selecting the story that you wish to project.  So many people have no idea who they are in the real world but on Facebook they have amazing personas.

Shy people become bubbly and outgoing on Facebook, or so it seems.  Depressed people become the life of the party and the broke and broken down live like kings and queens.

Ah wouldn’t it be nice...

Why not?

Curate The Details

“It is up to you to see the beauty of everyday things”. 

Living the Facebook life is all about curating carefully the portions of your life that you choose to expose to the world at large.

How many a gushing anniversary greeting was written just before or after a massive fight.  Your husband is chilling at his girlfriend’s, reading your effusive expressions of how wonderful a husband he is and he’s wondering who wrote this,   because he’s never met the Facebook you.

What if you could be that person though?

What about the kids?  The lazy, no-good, dirty-dishes-in-the-sink, youtube-all-day, driving-you-out-of-your-mind kids.  The same kids on Facebook are the most wonderful blessings in your life, they are gorgeous, smart, accomplished and a joy from the day they were born.  

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could view our children every single day with your Facebook lenses on ?

What if you could see yourself with your Facebook lenses on?  

Forget the thousands of ‘fat’ pictures you delete without a second glance.  There’s the one picture which was taken..trick of light, blessing from God but in this one picture you are looking slim and trim and fabulous. That one is going on Facebook for sure!

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could look into the mirror each day and see the person in that picture?

The person laughing with friends, the person taking center-stage, the person helping others, the person growing and flourishing and thriving and happy every single day of life?

Wouldn’t it be nice?

Eliminate The Downside

“Because when you stop and look around life is pretty amazing.”

On Facebook the downside does not exist.  Only a few, driven to the point of desperation have the guts to admit to the world that something might be broken in their lives.  The rest keep focus on the positive and pretend the negative does not exist. 

Every now and then the righteous who have overcome, will come out and mention in retrospect the challenge that they went through.  Because in that context it is a sign of bravery, of strength, the challenge seen is retrospect is reason for applause.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could actually look at life in that way?

What if you busted your bum working overtime and stretching every dollar so you could have your dream vacation.  And you get to the gorgeous hotel you booked on the internet and find it's a dump and your room has a view of the parking lot, would you post that to Facebook?  heck no, you worked your ass off and maxed out your credit're going to find something GOOD to post!

So you walk down the street and notice a beautiful garden, now that's better  Perhaps the hotel restaurant has beautiful place settings, the food sucks but the settings are a  photo op .. click.  Perhaps you forget the hotel altogether and load tons of pics of your family just having a good time together, click, click.

What if you could experience life just life that, scrupulously looking out for the beautiful moments and dismissing the rest?

Wouldn't that be nice...

Live The Dream

There is no reality other than that which is perceived.” – E Hicks

What if we could live in real life as we live on Facebook?  

What if we could choose to see only the very best in everyone around us, including ourselves?

What if we could be effusive in our praise and unstinting in our appreciation of ourselves and of others?

What if we could see only the glamour, the reward, the amazing perks in our jobs, what if that awareness was bigger than the boss you hate, the horrible hours and the lousy pay?

What if we could bless every day of our marriages and give thanks for the wonderful relationships which are in our lives?  

What if we saw in our friends only the faithfulness, the grace and the wonderful gift that they are in our lives?

What if in every circumstance we saw only the best of it?  You know .. like the parts you post?

“We see it, take from it that which we desire and immediately turn our attention to that which we prefer” 

You see my friend it is possible to live the Facebook life.  The key lies in the way that you choose to experience your not-so-perfect life. 

In reality every single soul among us experiences hardship, struggle, challenge and trials in life.  Whether it is home or family or money or health or work or community or our own perception of ourselves, every one of us has to face the downside of life at one point or other.

Every one of us, every single time, have the option to choose how we interpret our lives and what we choose to focus on. 

And as we shift our focus, we shift our experience.

Wouldn’t that be nice...

"Life is like a camera
Focus on what’s important
Capture the good times
Develop from the negatives
And if things don’t work out...
Take another shot."

Author’s note

This post is inspired by my book Embracing Prosperity By Changing Your Mind .  If you liked this post I would be so appreciative if you would spread the word and like my author page on Facebook.  You may also follow me on Twitter #ProsperityIsMind or check out my website

I bless you, I bless your journey and I am so happy to be a part of it.